Top 5 Forum Android development support recover lost SMS and more 2014

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Even with all the madness of CES that has only just subsided, our readers still found time to make their presence felt in the forum. Weve got an interesting bag this week, so if you havent contributed to the top five forum threads from last week, now is your chance.
top5 forum
© AndroidPIT

Android Development Tutorial

Our Android Extraordinaire, Henrique Rocha, has been running a new series here about how to develop Android apps, a topic close to many of our readers hearts. This new thread is a sideline to the article series, where you can ask questions, make requests or clarify functions with the man himself.
Emulators, forumlas, functions, exceptions - if you need help, just ask! / © stock.exchng

Recover deleted text messages

Weve all done a hatchet job on our inbox at one point or another, only to realize weve deleted some important text messages wed rather not have lost. Did you now you can still recover texts that youve deleted. No voodoo required, just a clever app or two. If you need help, check out this thread.
chat sms messaging
Whoops. If youve deleted text messages by mistake, you can still get them back. / © AndroidPIT

How to remove old devices from Play Store Devices list

Everyones got a few devices on the Google Play Devices list that dont really count anymore. Maybe you lost it, sold it, passed it on or just borrowed someone elses phone for long enough to install an app on your Google account, only to have it appear on your Devices list forever. Follow our guide to get rid of those irrelevant devices from your Google record.
AndroidPIT Device List
Huh? But I only have two Androids, not six! Hide those old devices.  / © AndroidPIT/Google

New Years resolutions

It seems that as January warms up everyone is starting to take their new year resolutions less and less seriously. Apparently, most resolutions lose their urgency after a few short weeks and lie dormant until next December 31st. Check out our lists of resolutions along with some common ones and a few jokes too.
New Year Resolutions
We think were original, but were not. Come fail on your resolutions with us! / © CityMomsBlog

Hard Reset the Nexus 5

One of the best smartphones of 2013, the Nexus 5 will stay in the top five for a while yet. It seems a lot got gifted last month because this forum thread has seen a spike in views over the last couple of weeks. Its simple, it clean sup weird bugs and gremlins and even frees up a little space if youre lucky. Good housecleaning, now theres a resolution for you.
Nexus 5 facing camera

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